Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aquarium Location

The very first thing to do in setting up a aquarium is to determine the location. This is a very crucial step to accomplish  even before getting any aquarium. If you are a huge aquarium fans then by knowing exactly the space avaible for the aquarium you can calculate the maximum size aquarium is possible.
Several factors need to be considered in determining aquarium location.

  • Human traffic
 you don't want to put aquarium in a location with very high human traffic, especially area where kids would run around and play cowboy and horse stuff.  This will increase the risk of someone knocking at the aquarium causing unwanted hazard to the aquarium or even more matter hazard to people. Look for place where you can be certain that people are not rushing in that area. This is the first rule in picking an ideal aquarium location.
  • Room temperature
 Aquarium needs a stable room temperature. Extreme changes in temperature can weaken the fishes immune systems and increase their risk of diseases. Ideal temperature for aquarium depends greatly on the living inside aquarium but generally it is in the range of 76 degrees and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Too high temperature will reduce the number of  dissolved oxygen in water and this can be harmful to fish.  If temperature  is changing greatly such as in summer and winter, this is time when aquarium heater or chiller come handy.
  • Windows, doors
 Placing aquarium near windows for several reasons is not a good choice. Placing a tank near natural sunlight will increase the growth of algae by many fold.  Once algae begins to conquer your aquarium, it can be a  really difficult probem  to get of.  All you see is green and green..algae all over any objects..That is really annoying. You can simply minimized this by avoiding direct sunlight into the tank. Another point to avoid choosing tank location near window  is that the  temperature of tank near a window is easily fluctuate. And also there might be hungry eagles that is patroling and eyeing your fish so you must be careful  about this :)
the same goes with doors. Tanks near door will suffer from continuous disturbance as people come in and out of the room. Not to mention a hard bang on the door will cause increasing heart beat of those little fish.

  • Convinient water access
When we talk about convinient water access its not just about  easily supplying water to the tank but also how easy it is to dump the water from the tank especially in regular tank cleansing and maintance.

  • Convinient electric access
As you know, it is almost impossible setting up a tank without the help of electric devices like filter, heater, air pump, lights and etc. It is much preferrable to have the electric socket located at upper level than the water. this will eliminate the risk of short circuting from water leaking

  • Free space around the tank
We want to have a fairly amount of space arround the tank. This space is important so we can easily set up, and clean the tank.

Moving a well established aquarium is a hardcore job. So plan out carefully and start your aquarium in the right location from the very beginning and save yourself from pains  later on. When you start things correctly, there is nothing more soothing than the view of your well placed aquarium.

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